North East Institute of Science and Technology

North East Institute of Science and Technology was established in 1961 under the chemical science group of CSIR and originally its main aim was to develop indigenous technologies by utilizing the immense natural resources of northeastern India like Fossil Fuels, Minerals, Tea, Microbes, Aromatic and Medicinal plants. Over the years, the laboratory has produced more than 117 technologies in the areas of Agrotechnology, Biological and Oil Field Chemicals. Currently the institution is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and infrastructure to carry out research in frontier areas of science and technology. A Common Facility Center (CFC) under the Science and Technological Intervention in North East India project funded by Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Govt of India has been established here. The institute has one branch laboratory in Arunachal Pradesh near Itanagar at Naharlagun locality and another at Imphal, Manipur and one field station in Nagaland called as NEIST Experimental Farm, Mokokchung.

Established in 1961
Founding Director BN Mitra
Current Director Dr G. Narahari Sastry
Location Jorhat, Assam, India
Research Type Chemical Science
Website Visit Official Website

Vision, Mission and Mandate

  1. Vision :- "Knowledge for empowering, particularly North-East region, through Science and Technology interventions"
  2. Mission :- "To nurture excellence in basic & applied research for developing technologies with sustainable development goals to improve the quality of life in the North-East India"
  3. Mandate :- "To put to effective use the immense material resources of North Eastern region and to provide R&D inputs for developing the economy of the NE region in particular and the country in general "

Research Work/Divisions/Inventions

The institute is currently working in the frontier areas of science like Agro-technologies, Environmental studies, Herbal formulations, Bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil, Earthquake Seismology, Geotechnical investigations, Soil and Building materials, Nano and Advanced materials, Catalysts, Synthetic molecules, Coal & petroleum, Oilfield chemicals, Paper products and Natural products and fibres, etc. It has translated 20 technologies to 36 industrial houses in the last 5 years.

  1. Advanced Computation and Data Science Division :- Data sciences has emerged as a critical technology for all basic and translational research endeavours. The abundance of natural wealth, bio-diversity, geo-diversity can be put to great use for the development of the North East region in particular and nation in general by adopting contemporary scientific and technological advances. CSIR-NEIST undertakes the path of documentation, digitization, deposition of data and analyse this data with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications, with outcomes leading to societal benefit.

  2. Agrotechnology and Rural Development Division :- The main objectives of the Group are Exploration of the Plant Resources of North-East India and identification of potential Medicinal and Aromatic plants and Industrial value up for development of technology for mass multiplication of commercially prospective species and their conservation. The value addition of the germplasm through development of different product and dissemination of proven technologies to indigenous people, governmental organizations, entrepreneur for overall economic development is an important focus in the group.

  3. Biological Sciences and Technology Division :- Biological Science & Technology Division (BSTD) is a multi-disciplinary division of CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, which is dedicated for frontline research at the frontiers of modern biology research. With the highest standards of excellence in research, it ensures interdisciplinary partnerships that will transform the discoveries made through the dedicated study of basic biology into applied solutions to different challenges. The prime mission of the BSTD is to develop indigenous technologies from the enormous bio resources of North East India including plants, microbes and insects using modern tools & techniques of biotechnology.

  4. Chemical Sciences and Technology Division :-

  5. Engineering Sciences and Technology Division :-

  6. Geo Sciences and Technology Division :- The Northeast India region is one of the most active zones in the world; the region is jawed between the two arcs, the Himalayan arc to the north and the Indo-Burmese arc to the east. arthquake is only natural disaster, which cannot be predicted till now and may occur at any time and pre-planned strategies for rescue of life and property are not possible and hence causes maximum devastation than other natural disaster. So, earthquake disaster mitigation and responses takes an important role to reduce the destruction of life and property. A mitigation strategy by CSIR NEIST-Jorhat is one of the prime concepts in order to reduce the hazard. This includes basic research on earthquake seismology based on the data accrued locally based on both standalone and VSAT local seismic networks.

  7. Material Sciences and Technology Division :-

  8. Research Planning and Business Development Division :- Planning & Project Monitoring (PPM) Group basically involved in the management of the institute’s externally funded R&D projects. Contract R & D viz. Sponsored, Collaborative and Grant-in-Aid Projects; and Consultancy projects are undertaken by the Institute with funding from External Agencies. PPM is the main centre for appropriate dissemination of information regarding externally funded projects to the management and as well as the concerned Scientists. This group keep track on the expenditure, budget allocations of all externally funded and upload the details of receipt & expenditure in PPM portal so that the fund position of a given project is readily accessible by concerned PI and management for effective management.